Benzalkonium chloride
Disinfection of water sources, hatchery tank and aquaculture tools.
Improving the pond water environment, inhibit algae growth
Prevention and treatment of infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, fungi on shrimp.
Water treatment in settling pond, disinfecting ponds before stocking: 1 litre/ 1.000 – 2.000 m3 of water, depended on the contamination levels.
During rearing period:
- Periodic use: 1 liter/ 4.000 – 5000 m³, once every 10 – 15 days.
- When infected pond causes diseases such as: Antenna rot and tail rot caused by Vibrio spp., luminous bacteria disease in shrimp, mycosis, protozoa: 1 liter/ 2000 – 3000 m3 water
- Reducing algae when the density is too high, stabilize the turbidity and the level of dissolved oxygen: 1 liter/ 1.000 m³ of water.
Disinfection of hatchery tank, aquaculture tools: 1 ml/1 liter of water, spraying on the surface of the hatchery tank or soaking tools in 45 minutes.
Notes when using B.K.C in shrimp pond
- The treatment could be applied during rearing period. Should be used at noon (pH >7)
- Apply following the instruction, with right dosage and method.
- Should be used near the paddlewheel aerators.
- Do not use for weak/ upcoming molting shrimp.
PRESERVATION: Store in a cool place and keep out of direct sunlight